Innomar Standard Subbottom Profiler

Included Features

  • Roll beam stabilization
  • 16-bit SLF full waveform data acquisition (sub-bottom data) / Innomar “RAW” data format
  • 24-bit SLF full waveform data acquisition / Innomar “SES3” data format
  • Multi-ping mode for maintaining a high pulse rate in deep waters
  • Multi-frequency signals
  • LFM chirp (5 – 15 kHz)
  • SESWIN basic remote-control via COM / UDP (e.g. line start/stop, line name)

Product Description

Innomar Standard Subbottom Profiler (100kHz primary frequency with 4-15kHz adjustable secondary frequency). Includes 30m transducer cable.

From the wide range of Innomar parametric sub-bottom profilers the Innomar “standard” model is the most versatile one: it is small enough to be used on small boats for inshore surveys but also powerful enough to be applicable for offshore surveys down to 500 meters water depth.

The high ping rate, small footprint and the possibility of transmitting sound pulses over a wide frequency range ensure sub-seafloor data with excellent resolution and very good sediment penetration. Electronic beam stabilization will give good results under bad weather conditions, too.

A user-friendly data acquisition and system control software (SESWIN) provides the possibility for network remote operation as well as remote data visualization.

The Innomar “standard” model acquires full-waveform data that can be processed with any seismic software (SEG-Y format). Innomar also provides the ISE post-processing software specialized on the Innomar SBP data.

This model was the first Innomar SBP model (“SES-96 standard”) at all, introduced to the international market in 1997. Later this model was called “SES-2000 standard”. The latest generation has been launched 2020.



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