Innomar SixPack Multi Transducer Subbottom Profiler

Included Features

  • 24-bit SLF full waveform data acquisition / Innomar “SES3” data format
  • Multi-ping mode for maintaining a high pulse rate in deep waters
  • Multi-frequency signals
  • SESWIN basic remote-control via COM / UDP (e.g. line start/stop, line name)

Product Description

With its six transducers, the Innomar “sixpack” multi-transducer sub-bottom profiler is designed for applications which need very high data density in extremely shallow waters. These applications include pipeline and cable surveys, risk mitigation at offshore building sites or archeological surveys.

The Innomar “sixpack” model acquires full-waveform data that can be processed with any seismic software (SEG-Y format). Innomar also provides the ISE post-processing software specialized on the Innomar SBP data. For three-dimensional visualization of the sub-bottom data, Innomar provides a gridding tool and third-party visualization software.

The first generation of this model has been launched in 2017 as “SES-2000 sixpack”, the latest generation has been introduced in 2021.


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