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  • Included Features

    • 24-bit SLF full waveform data acquisition / Innomar "SES3" data format
    • Multi-ping mode for maintaining a high pulse rate in deep waters
    • Multi-frequency signals
    • SESWIN basic remote-control via COM / UDP (e.g. line start/stop, line name)
  • Impact Subsea ISFMD System Full System (Diver & ROV Ready, 200m Cable) Full System (Diver & ROV Ready, 200m Cable)
  • Impact Subsea ISFMD System ROV Only System ROV Only System
  • DREDGEPACK: is the complete dredging solution. This license enables control of cutter suction, hopper, excavator, and bucket dredge operations. Improve efficiency and monitor the digging operations with DREDGEPACK, providing the design tools to accurately model almost any dredge plan. This license is not for hydrographic surveying.
  • HYSWEEP OFFICE: is the data processing and final products version of HYSWEEP. HYSWEEP OFFICE supports processing any data collected with the HYSWEEP module.
  • HYSWEEP is the module for planning, collection, and processing of multibeam, backscatter, LiDAR, and water column data. HYSWEEP requires a HYPACK (SURVEY or MAX) license for data collection. The SURVEY or MAX license can be upgraded to support multibeam and LiDAR by adding the HYSWEEP? module.
  • HYPACK SURVEY & HYSWEEP: is the recommended combination when outfitting a multibeam survey vessel, ASV or USV. SURVEY & HYSWEEP supports logging any kind of data supported by HYPACK software products (MAX and HYSWEEP). It also supports data processing; however final product generation is not supported with this license.
  • HYPACK OFFICE & HYSWEEP OFFICE HYPACK OFFICE & HYSWEEP OFFICE: The OFFICE COMBO is recommended for planning, editing and generating final products from anytype of survey data collected using the MAX or HYSWEEP modules.
  • HYPACK LITE: is the data collection and processing software for all the sensors supported by SURVEY. LITE includes data collection aspects from SURVEY, with the addition of processing tools for the same sensor suite. The data products from LITE can be exported to CAD or GIS.
  • HYPACK SURVEY HYPACK SURVEY: is the data collection-only software, where editing and final products are being handled by other means. It has no editing or final product tools. SURVEY supports survey mission planning, navigation, and data acquisition from various sensors, except multi beam and LiDAR devices.
  • HYPACK OFFICE: is the survey data processing and final products version of HYPACK MAX. It supports processing and final products, from any survey data collected with MAX (excludes multibeam and LiDAR.
  • HYPACK ECHO: is the basic and economical software package for single beam bathymetric surveys. ECHO supports single vessel (remote, autonomous or traditional) single beam (including dual frequency) survey mission planning, navigation, data acquisition and processing. ECHO includes HYPACK Single Beam Editor for data review, cleaning, thinning, and generating XYZ files and exporting DXF contours.


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