EdgeTech 3400-OTS Low Frequency Pole-Mount Sub-Bottom Profiler (1-10 kHz) & 4 kW Amplifier Consisting of part numbers: SS-6e / 0021312 / 0022762 3400 Topside Processor with 4KW Amplifier and Rackmount PC pre-installed with Discover SBP Acquisition & Display software, Keyboard, Trackball, 24" LCD Monitor 3400-OTS Low Frequency Digital Profiler with Dual 1-10 kHz Chirp Transmitters Large Receiver Array Stainless Steel Frame for installation on client supplied Pole Motion, Depth & Heave Sensors Dual Frequency Transmission, User selectable Pulses 50m Kevlar Reinforced Multiconductor (1.47cm/0.58?) Tow Cable
The AML-3 series of instruments is a highly configurable family of multiparameter sondes designed for a wide range of data collection applications. The ‘3’ designation refers to the number of sensors that may be simultaneously installed on the instrument’s endcap. One additional sensor may be connected externally, allowing up to 4 sensors in total. This kit comes with a sound velocity and 500 dbar pressure sensor. The LGR designation (ie. AML-3 LGR) are self-powered via a rechargeable internal battery and have a mechanical on/off switch adjacent to their shackle. These instruments are most commonly used for multiparameter profiling applications and internally log sensor measurements and transfer data post deployment.
For editing, filtering, gridding, and product generation from a wide variety of point cloud formats. Includes Qimera Live and Cooperative Cleaning along with advanced analysis tools—Patch test, Wobble analysis, Time Series Multiplots, Cross Check, and Extinction test. The user may return to the original ping anytime and maintains full control of the sonar data.
YUCO-SCAN micro-AUV just make AUV technology accessible. Using YUCO-SCAN is certainly nowadays one of the most simple and cost-effective way to perform side scan surveys. Equipped with a 680kHz Side Scan Sonar from DeepVision YUCO-Scan provide with a great quality of image with high-stability, accurate navigation and capable of managing coastal areas with waves and current.