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  • Kongsberg EM2040 MKII Multibeam Echosounder The EM2040 MKII is a true wideband high-resolution shallow water multibeam echo sounder, an ideal tool for any high-resolution mapping and inspection application. With this release, Kongsberg Discovery has upgraded the hardware and software to increase the swath and improve the data quality of our EM2040 series.
  • Kongsberg EM 712 Multibeam Echosounder The EM 712 multibeam echo sounder is a high to very high-resolution seabed mapping system capable of meeting all relevant survey standards. The minimum acquisition depth is from less than 3 m below its transducers, to a maximum of 3600m dependent upon array size. Across track coverage (swath width) is up to 5.5 times water depth, with a maximum of up to 4400 m, which is almost double the range performance of the EM710.
  • Kongsberg EM 712 Multibeam Echosounder The EM 712 multibeam echo sounder is a high to very high-resolution seabed mapping system capable of meeting all relevant survey standards. The minimum acquisition depth is from less than 3 m below its transducers, to a maximum of 3600m dependent upon array size. Across track coverage (swath width) is up to 5.5 times water depth, with a maximum of up to 4400 m, which is almost double the range performance of the EM710.


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