Innomar ISE Processing Software


  • Processing of all Innomar data formats, including SES3 files.
  • Handling of 16/24/32-bit and multi-channel data files.
  • Similar “look’n’feel” as the Innomar SESWIN on-line control and data acquisition software.
  • Intuitive handling of 2D data sections with free zoom levels and undo/redo.
  • Project-based workflow, but can also be used to view/process single data files.
  • Integrated GIS-browser builds the file handling base.
  • GIS map synchronized with seismic section view (cursor, track cross-points, picked targets and ground-truth positions).
  • Processed and interpreted data can be exported into various industry-standard data formats, including ASCII, DXF, 3D grids.


Post-processing software with GIS module for Innomar specific data files.

Innomar ISE is the user-friendly post-processing software for all data acquired by Innomar’s parametric sub-bottom profilers.

A project-based workflow allows intuitive handling of 2D seismic sections together with a GIS map window. The processing includes signal filtering, noise reduction, tide and vertical corrections, cleaning of external sensor data, picking of seabed and sub-seabed reflectors and targets and the overlay of external probe and core data to assist interpretation.

Raw, processed and interpreted data can be exported to various industry-standard formats, such as SEG-Y, XTF and ASCII


Project-based Workflow

  • Project tree with all files, such as seismic data sections, tide files, ground-truth data, picked leayers and targets, etc.
  • Save/restore the processing status for individual data files and projects between sessions.


GIS Browser

  • Handling of data in various coordinate systems and projections.
  • Overlay of colour-coded bathymetry, sub-bottom layers, targets and ground-truthing onto charts, geo-referenced images and other GIS data.
  • Calculation of crossing points between tracks and marking these positions in the 2D sections to assist quality assurance.


Processing of 2D Seismic Sections

  • Processing of full-waveform and envelope data.
  • Several visualisation modes and colour-mapping options.
  • Various noise and spike removal filters.
  • Options to correct gain, such as time-variable gain (TVG) and automatic gain control (AGC).
  • Different options for (semi-) automatic bottom track.
  • Corrections for vessel movements (heave, roll, pitch), tide/swell, static shifts and sound velocity.
  • Picking and export of acoustic reflections from layers and targets.


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