“Having spent 25 years running a rental company, I know all the trials and tribulations one goes through. ECHO81 is hands down the best there is, from technical support, quality, availability, price, and overall the ECHO81 team are darn good people to work with. I want ECHO81 to know that you guys have all our business – only if you don’t have something specific, would I go elsewhere.”

Chris Echols
CSA Ocean Sciences, Inc.

Coty Granger
“ECHO81’s reliability, passion, and expertise allows them to provide an exceptional level of service to their customers.“
“ECHO81 is comprised of professionals in the various subsea and science areas, they will only sell/rent what they can fully support technically in their workshop or remotely, so that gives you total certainty of the performance of their equipment and in your project. They are always open to find a realistic solution for your needs.”

Alfredo Gomez

Quinn Guidry
“ECHO81’s on-site training curriculum has allowed our field staff and onshore technicians to build on conventional survey principles so we can better suit our client needs as we move into the latter part of 2023 and being more efficient come 2024. ECHO81 was able to mimic our vessel setup at their facility so personnel can go through the evolution of setting up sensors, from bench testing, to integration, acquisition, and finally processing the data“
“Here at the MALAQUIAS family, we feel very grateful for all the support we have received from ECHO81 over the last few years. Much of our success and who we are today is attributed to them, so we thank them wholeheartedly! They have equipment in excellent condition, help us with urgent shipments, have equipment on immediate availability and fair prices. From the amazing team to excellent overall service and, above all, 24/7 support! Thank you, ECHO81!”

Malaquias Subsea

Luiz Antonio Pereira de Souza
LAPS Consulting Ltda
“People call me Laps. I work with applied geophysics on lakes, rivers and sea, since 1981, since the geophysics was analogic! The wonderful world of digital came over geophysics and Damon, Lisa, and Evan from ECHO81 were my main guides, my main teachers. I learned, and I’m still learning, so much with these guys. Many people in Brazil use to ask me about systems, training and so on. I always recommend ECHO81. No doubt – they are the best ones.“
“Working with ECHO81 has been a real pleasure. Damon and Lisa really know about oceanographic products, they have assembled a great team that goes the extra mile in support.
They really honor the warranties of their products fast and without complications shipping immediately the replacement before receiving the faulty part.
A very happy camper.“