Innomar ROV, AUV Subbottom Profiler

Included Features

  • Heave / Roll (or Pitch) beam stabilization
  • 16-bit SLF full waveform data acquisition (sub-bottom data) / Innomar “RAW” data format
  • 24-bit SLF full waveform data acquisition / Innomar “SES3” data format
  • Multi-ping mode for maintaining a high pulse rate in deep waters
  • Multi-frequency signals
  • LFM chirp (5 – 15 kHz)
  • SESWIN basic remote-control via COM / UDP (e.g. line start/stop, line name)

Product Description

The Innomar “standard-rov” model is intended to be used on ROVs or other vehicles working up to 2,000m below sea level.

The high ping rate, a small footprint and the possibility of transmitting sound pulses over a wide frequency range ensure echoprints with excellent resolution and very good sediment penetration. Electronic beam stabilization along track (pitch) is used to compensate movements when the ROV follows the seabed.

A user-friendly Windows data acquisition and system control software (SESWIN) is used for remote (Ethernet) operation. The Innomar “standard-rov” model acquires full-waveform data that can be processed with any seismic software (SEG-Y format). Innomar also provides the ISE post-processing software specialized on the Innomar SBP data.

The first generation of this model (“SES-2000 ROV”) has been launched in 2003, the latest generation was introduced in 2017.


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